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    Lithium new energy materials industry project examples

    991.jpg Application in the lithium battery new energy material industry

    The global lithium battery demand in 2021 is 562.4GWh, and it is expected to reach 1187GWh by 2025. With the continuous heating up of the lithium battery cathode material industry, the power battery recycling industry is also in full swing. The demand for evaporation crystallization process in the industrial chain is also increasing. Relying on its rich industry experience in MVR evaporation and crystallization, Jinlong brings more optimized full-process solutions for the production and recycling industry of lithium battery cathode materials.


    991.jpg China's first high-purity manganese sulfate MVR evaporation crystallization device(Guizhou Tongren Jinrui Manganese Industry)

    Guizhou Tongren Jinrui Manganese Industry Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Changsha Mining and Metallurgy Research Institute Co., Ltd., is mainly engaged in the production and sales of electrolytic manganese. In December 2017, the company launched a 100,000 ton/year manganese based new material technology renovation project. After completion of the project, the group has became a leading domestic supply base for high-quality, green, and high-end manganese based supporting raw materials for new energy materials, as well as the largest, most advanced, and best quality production enterprise in China for high-purity manganese oxide, high-purity selenium free manganese, and high-purity manganese sulfate.
    Due to the influence of its physical properties, the current industrial operation of manganese sulfate crystals is mostly made by intermittent single effect reaction kettle crystallization. However, due to the intermittent production method used, its production efficiency is low, the labor intensity is high, the steam heat loss is high, the energy consumption is high and the cost is high, moreover, the quality stability of the product cannot be guaranteed. In order to apply MVR evaporation crystallization technology to the process of manganese sulfate evaporation crystallization, experts from Changsha Mining and Metallurgy Research Institute and the company's engineering and technical personnel jointly formed a research and development team. With the MVR evaporation crystallization technology, the team had find out the optimal parameters for the crystallization process of manganese sulfate monohydrate. They conducted experimental verification in continuous laboratories and industrialization, and obtained the residence time and other relevant technical data required for crystal growth during the crystallization process of manganese sulfate. After applying these data to industrial production processes, it has completely changed the problems of high energy consumption, high cost, and issue of inability to continuously crystallize that traditional processes currently have.
    The 100,000 ton/year manganese based new material technical improvement project of Guizhou Tongren Jinrui Manganese Industry Co., Ltd., that is the manganese sulfate evaporation crystallization project, was undertaken by our company in September 2018. MVR evaporation crystallization process adopted for the project, which is fully automated and unmanned on site. The project was officially put into operation at the end of December 2018 with stable system operation, and the production capacity meets the design scale and energy consumption indicators.
     991.jpg MVR evaporation crystallization device for ferric phosphate wastewater

    With the strong promotion of environmental protection by the country, the new energy industry represented by lithium iron phosphate batteries is currently rapidly developing. The preparation of ferric phosphate precursors is an important link in the production of lithium iron phosphate batteries.
    At present, the mainstream processes in China include ammonia method, sodium method, etc. With different raw materials in the production process, wastewater will be generated, which contains a large amount of phosphate ions, sulfate ions, iron, calcium, magnesium, and fluorine plasma, while the wastewater cannot be directly discharged. 
    According to the characteristics of wastewater produced in the process, the company has independently developed a membrane separation and high-efficiency MVR evaporation crystallization process technology. The technology firstly removes heavy metal ions such as ferric ion, calcium ion, and magnesium ion in the wastewater by membrane separation method, and the pure water produced after the separation is reused in production, while the concentrated water containing phosphate and sulfate enters the follow-up MVR evaporation crystallization system, and by the evaporating crystallization, the phosphate and sulfate can be separated, achieving resource reuse. The process of the system can realize fully automatic operation, which has low operating cost, and can truly achieve the goals of cost reduction, resource reuse and zero discharge of waste water.

    d.jpgThe production process of ferric phosphate:

    Some projects in the lithium battery new energy material industry (nickel, cobalt, lithium, ternary precursors, ferric phosphate)


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