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    DTB guide tube crystallizer

    The DTB type crystallizer is suitable for mixed suspension products and is a turbulent crystallizer
    • Phone:0550-7305788,0550-7033788
    • Email:ahjljx@jinlongzf.cn
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    The DTB type crystallizer is suitable for mixed suspension products and is a turbulent crystallizer with flow tubes and baffles. It is a typical modern industrial continuous crystallizer with a wide range of applications. Whether for vacuum evaporation or vacuum flash cooling, it is an ideal continuous crystallizer. It consists of a heating chamber, an evaporation crystallization chamber, a circulating pump, a vertical axial flow pump, a crystallization zone, an evaporation zone, and a mother liquor zone.
    The crystal particles are larger than the FC type, with a particle size of 0.2-1.2mm. The particles are uniform with a smooth surface. Different products have different crystal characteristics, but the particle size can be adjusted within a certain range, which is a characteristic of the DTB type crystallizers.
    With a stable evaporation rate, this kind of design is suitable for situations where heating is not required or a small amount of heating is required.
    It can be designed with a compact structure and low cost.

    d.jpgSelection of crystallizers:


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